Frequently Asked Questions
Click on the question to view the answer.
How often should I replace my filter?
The standard filter like one bought from Walmart or Lowes should be once a month.
How much of a temperature difference should I expect on a hot day?
With the proper insulation, freon levels, clean filter and coils a unit operating at peak efficiency can go up to a 15–20-degree difference from return to supply.
My AC is dripping water out of my secondary line outside. Should it be doing that?
No, this means that the system needs to be serviced to find out why it is dripping from there and not the primary drain line.
What's the difference between the minimum tonnage requirements and a tonnage chosen for comfort?
The minimum requirement will have a really hard time keeping the home cold on those 96+ days when you want it cooler than 78.
How often should I get my air conditioning serviced?
The general recommendation is a minimum of once a year in the spring; however, we recommend once in the spring and once in the fall.
A friend of a friend who does A/C work told me I need a new system. But my system is only a few years old. Do I really need a new one?
A second opinion is highly advised and never a bad thing.